Image credit: Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
Hello everyone. Growing a robust business is not easy. There are no guarantees or magic formulas but there are actions that you can take that will make your success more likely. How do you get your business into the fast lane? Everyone wants their business to be in the fast lane to success but usually they are not putting the work in to achieve that. Below are 6 ways to get you there.
6 ways to grow your business faster
1. Content
Ensure that you have good web hosting from the outset. Be a content creator. Creating original blog content drives traffic to your website and generates leads and customers. Not surely precisely how to do this? Click here . Ensure that content is SEO optimised. This will ensure that you are more ‘findable’ by search engines and will increase organic traffic to your site.
2. Webinars & Podcasts
Give your community real chances to connect with you – using webinars and hosting a podcast are both excellent ways of doing this. One of our favourite quotes is the following from Mark Twain, “People do business with those they know, like and trust.”. It is very true – allow your audience the opportunity to build up trust in you.
3. Build a Great Team
You will not get your business in the fast lane all by yourself. Recognise where you need help and recruit based on character and build the level of expertise in the team. Do not hire clones of yourself with the same skill set.
4. Stage Wonderful Events
We are sure that you have attended one of those routine conferences that completely lacks enthusiasm and energy. You should take the opportunity to stage and appear at events and ensure that your event or your presence at a event gets people talking for the right reasons. This area represents such a great opportunity to make an impact because so many people are currently getting it wrong.
5. Email Strategy
Social Media did not kill off email. It should be working in conjunction with email. For many businesses the fast lane to larger revenues is an effective email strategy. Monthly newsletters will not suffice. Build the relationship with your audience by emailing once a week if appropriate. Construct email auto responder sequences for people who join your mailing list. If this is difficult for your existing team to manage – bring in experts to execute this for you. It is very important.
6. Video
Video is extremely effective when well executed and from a SEO point of view it is easier to get a video onto Google’s first page of search results than with text only. There are a number of easily accessible options available including YouTube, Instagram and Vine. It is time for you to start using video effectively.
Great execution is key with all of these approaches. In our travels and conversations we have found that lots of people seem to know the right strategy but fail to execute. If that is you – it’s time for you to make that change now. You will also need money.
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We hope this information has been useful to you. If you’d like to talk to us about getting your business into the fast lane give us a call on +44 845 2264 247 or email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
Best regards,
Marketing Fundamentals Team
Note – The car featured in the foreground is a Lamborghini Reventón – Photo credit – Mike Pitt, Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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