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This video is called, What is Domain Authority 2.0? By Mike Pitt. If you want to subscribe to our YouTube channel, you can . Mike Pitt is the Founder of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd, which is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London.
In this video, Mike Pitt discusses,What is Domain Authority 2.0?
This video will be of interest to business owners, B2B marketing managers, Content Marketing professionals, Social Media Managers and LinkedIn users who use a website to promote their B2B business.
Domain Authority 2.0
Domain authority is an important website metric created by a company called Moz. Moz are a company that sell products and services designed to improve the SEO performance of your website. They created the algorithm that determines a website’s domain authority. If you have a website, your website’s domain authority is indicative of your website’s reputation. As you would expect, websites such as Google and YouTube have high domain authority scores of 99 or 100. The maximum a site can score is 100; a high domain authority score means that the website in question is likely to perform well in Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs as they are known.
On March 5th 2019, Moz released Domain Authority 2.0. This was an update to their algorithm. The update changed the weighting of many variables and took into account the total quantity of backlinks a site has and not just the quality of the best backlinks that a website has. It also gave greater consideration to a website’s Spam Score. The update meant that many websites had new domain authority scores overnight; many had gone down and some had gone up.
Missed Opportunity
In this video, I give my thoughts on Domain Authority 2.0 and why I think it was a missed opportunity. Click here to watch the video.
Has your Domain Authority score changed? Did it go up or down? Let me know in the comments section below. Also, let me know how often you check your site’s score.
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B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We hope you find this information useful.
If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247. You can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
On our YouTube channel you will find marketing advice, business advice & inspiration. Subscribe if you work in Marketing for Professional Services or are a business owner or solo-preneur trying to grow your business. New uploads on Wednesdays.
Best regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder, Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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This is video number 262 and blog post number 505.
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