Hello everyone. One of the wonderful advantages of working in the online environment is the fact that there are freely available metrics to track the effectiveness of the marketing activity that you are conducting. If something is not working you can track it and then stop doing it and conversely if something is working well you can give it additional focus.
What does bounce rate mean for your business?
Google analytics is a wonderful free resource for key marketing metrics. Justifiably a lot of attention is paid to ‘monthly unique visitors’ – this is amount of web visitors that come to your site each month. Less attention is paid to the ‘bounce rate’ and we believe this is mistake a lot of businesses make when reading their analytics report. The bounce rate has nothing to do with LeBron James and is in fact the percentage of web visitors who come to your site and then leave without interacting with the page they landed on or visit another page on your site. The objective therefore is to achieve a low bounce rate! A 20% bounce rate is very good whereas a 90% bounce rate is bad. A high bounce rate implies that visitors did not find what they were initially looking for or did not find your site to be a good source of Content related to their search.
Your task is to reduce your website’s bounce rate and to track your progress month on month. How do you reduce your website’s bounce rate? Better web design will help but Content is the answer.
We hope you have found this information useful. Have a look at your Google analytics report and leave a comment below or via Twitter telling us your actual bounce rate. We look forward to reading your answers.
Want our help planning and executing your Content & Social Media Strategy? Give us a call on +44 845 2264 247 or email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com to start the conversation.
Best regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder & CEO – Marketing Fundamentals Ltd