Image Credit: boostblogtraffic.com
This is blog post 334. This blog post is an answer I gave on Quora to the question, What are bloggers struggling with? I decided to share it here because I believe it will give encouragement to B2B bloggers and marketing professionals who work with agencies to create great content.
Thanks for the question.
There are a number of issues that aspiring bloggers struggle with on a regular basis and I will list them below. I make the distinction of aspiring bloggers because more established bloggers have usually overcome these obstacles.
1. Fear
A fear of putting themselves “out there” on a regular basis. Of course, they rarely admit to fear. It is usually articulated as the fact they don’t have enough time or something similar.
2. Failure to Establish Blogging Habits
Bloggers must schedule regular recurring time slots weekly, twice weekly or daily (dependent on their business model). Trying to blog when you have spare time or when you can does not work. Commit to it and make blog creation part of your weekly routine.
3. Fear of Running Out of Things to Say
A very real fear for many. I have a blogging methodology that I use with all my agency’s clients and individuals who have been through my training courses. My methodology offers a solution to this fear. I will summarise it by saying, create an approach where you are planning / conceptualising more than just the next blog post. Try to think in terms of the next 10-15 blog posts. Once you have momentum you will never run out of ideas. If you are interested in my resources you could click the Amazon link in my bio.
4. Optimising Content from an SEO Perspective.
The necessary actions to optimise content for SEO are not obvious for bloggers and learning about SEO is not always something they want to do even though they know they should.
5. Lack of Patience – What do you mean? I’ve got to keep on going? I’ve written ten good blog posts. Where is my web traffic and sponsorship deals?
6. Unrealistic Expectations –
Instant gratification is so common in society people have unrealistic expectations of how soon they will see results from blogging. If you are prepared to put the work in, you will build an audience and opportunities for monetisation will present themselves.
Be consistent and keep at it!
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B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms.
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I hope you find this information useful.
Best wishes,
Mike Pitt
Founder & CEO
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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This is blog post number 334.
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