Image Credit: Content Marketing Institute
Each year I look forward to receiving the latest UK Content Marketing report produced by the Content Marketing Institute. It focuses exclusively on Content Marketing in the UK. This year’s report has been published today and is entitled Content Marketing in the UK 2017, Benchmarks Budgets and Trends . The report gives me an opportunity to assess how well Content Marketing is being planned and executed beyond the work that we are doing for our clients and partners.
Content Marketing in the UK 2017
There are many interesting findings in the report, below I have chosen to highlight three that reflect the relative maturity of the Content Marketing industry in the UK.
1. Content Marketing Tactics
UK marketers were asked to assess all Content Marketing tactics and identify that which was most critical. Of those surveyed 74% of said their blog were the most critical activity. Slide 27 highlights this point here. I remember in last year’s report that figure was 69%.
Action: Keep dedicating time and internal/ external resource to the production of quality content.
2. Content Distribution Channels
On Slide 30 Content Marketing distribution channels are evaluated for their importance. Email came out on top at 94% with LinkedIn at 75% and YouTube at 54%.
Action: Evaluate your email distribution schedule and ensure that you are maximising engagement.
3. Content Marketing Budget
On slide 39 it is revealed that Content Marketing accounts for 36% of marketing budgets on average and that 53% of respondents plan to increase their content marketing spend over the next 12 months.
Action: Negotiate a bigger share of the overall marketing budget.
What Does this Mean for UK Content Marketers?
Your company blog is still the most effective tactic to drive the effectiveness of your Content Marketing Plan. If you do not have in-house bloggers outsource this to a Content Marketing Agency because your blog will be critical to the results you are able to achieve. Blog Content should be distributed via email and LinkedIn as a priority, other channels can be added but those two are the most effective. Content Marketing’s effectiveness is clearly measurable so a greater proportion of your marketing budget should be devoted to it. Currently this is 36% on average but 42% in those companies that are experiencing the greatest results from their Content Marketing. Please also consider that there is still a relatively big opportunity to use video content to establish leadership in your niche.
B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We hope you find this information useful.
If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247. You can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
On our YouTube channel you will find marketing advice, business advice & inspiration. Subscribe if you work in Marketing for Professional Services or are a business owner or solo-preneur trying to grow your business. New uploads on Wednesdays.
Best wishes,
Mike Pitt
Founder of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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This is blog post post number 381. Image reproduced with permission from the Content Marketing Institute.
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