Hello everyone. We have reached another significant milestone. Thank you for accompanying me on this journey to 400 blog posts. This is the 401st post. It is a great achievement and I’m sure that without you reading my posts that I would not have got this far. I founded Marketing Fundamentals Ltd in October 2010 and blogging was always part of my marketing plan for the business. It is still very effective at driving traffic to our website. Social media is also important, of course, and a lot has changed with Social Media since 2010. Some Social Media platforms have come and gone in the time that I have been blogging. – R.I.P Vine.
400 Blog Posts
What remains constant is the benefits that businesses receive when they start delivering value to their audience in the form of a regular blog. Yes, blogging requires planning and must be well executed but it is definitely worth the investment in time and resource. For a quick flashback to my thoughts when we reached 300 blog posts read this post, What did we Learn from Publishing 300 Blog Posts? We can help you reach your blogging milestones too.
B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. Want to discuss this some more?
If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247. You can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
On our YouTube channel you will find marketing advice, business advice & inspiration. Subscribe if you work in Marketing for Professional Services or are a business owner or solo-preneur trying to grow your business. New uploads on Wednesdays.
Best regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder, Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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Online courses:
How to TurboCharge Your Business with a Blog
Meet Edgar Social Media Management
TurboCharge Your Twitter Presence
Quora For Business
This is blog post post number 401. At blog post number 400 84% (336) had been written by me and 16% (64) had been written by other people.
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