We understand that as an SME owner it can be difficult to stay on top of everything you need to do in order to deliver profits now and set yourself up for a successful future.
Here’s a quick checklist of 15 activities you should be doing now to secure the future of your business.
Customer focused
1. Customer segmentation and profiling
2. Requesting feedback from current/ recent customers
3. Determining your most effective sales channel
4. Calling people in your lapsed customer database
5. Identifying additions to your product range and/or list of services
6. Automate basic functions customer service functions – order confirmation emails/ newsletter distribution etc
Staff related
7. Devising appropriate low cost ways to communicate and bond with staff
8. Staff feedback or suggestion sessions
9. Simplifying working procedures and systems
10. Searching for a No.2 that is capable of doing all that you do operationally
Business Reach
11. Meeting with organisations/retailers to improve your distribution footprint
12. Speaking with potential business partners
13. Reinvesting profits back into the business
14. Assessing whether Venture Capitalists or Angel investors are needed for expansion
15. Considering international markets for the sale of your goods or services
If you would like to discuss how best to implement these activities, email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com and we will be happy to help.
We hope you find this information useful.
Kind regards,
Marketing Fundamentals Team
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