Wondering how those books that you read cover to cover are no longer in the shelf, much thanks to the tablet that has everything? Well that might soon happen to this very post, which would be in a video with the author pointedly tells you on how things are rapidly changing in the online world. Obvious and less pretentious, let’s agree that online video marketing is the next big thing.
Online Video Marketing – Future of Content Marketing
Comprehending the Market!
Moving by figures, Cisco has mentioned that by the end of 2017, almost of 69% of us will be more video-centric. Before you do go deep in the figures, let’s check at the first glance why videos are popular.
Firstly, the entire purpose of knowledge, ideas, information and entertainment easily comes in a more obtainable and likeable format. Secondly, it is more user-friendly beyond a doubt. While you may not come here and read a post on the news website, you are more likely to hit YouTube and make a quick search. Lastly, videos are engaging mediums, so as a business, you can make one video and promote it endlessly, and people are going to buy that.
Know the repercussion and aftereffects
Consequences are quite evident by now. Many of the small businesses are spending a decent sum on getting online video marketing as a part of their strategies, and thereby, you see more of these trending videos, every day on Twitter and Facebook. Most of the broadcasting options, including your very own YouTube and Dailymotion, have close to one billion users every single month. No wonder, why investing in a video is way better than catching up a call with the blogger.
Does that mean that traditional SEO and marketing techniques will go to the backburner? Well, certainly not, but there is a close percent of viewers who would prefer videos. For small businesses in general, the benefits are higher because more audiences can be engaged at a much lesser cost, while the larger enterprises are not any behind. Check the “Puppy Love” video of Budweiser Super Bowl XLVIII Commercial, and you will be surprised at the hits it got on YouTube.
Believe the professional marketing guru for help!
Add to that, the production costs are no longer any trouble for even the smallest of budgets. However, video marketing needs much more targeting approach and that isn’t coming easy without the marketing gurus. There’s a need to analyze the audience and make relevant videos that can take the target message to the right places. Also, social media isn’t going anywhere, so the inbound marketing agency will be dealing with that, as well. More to engage, you need to even consider the mobile media in a very large way! Most importantly, there’s a need to strategize on what you need in terms of context and content, and how to promote and campaign on the same.
Like it or not, online video marketing would be a part of your content marketing strategy very soon, if you are not already riding high on the same! Here’s an online video maker to help you execute your video marketing strategy.
We hope this information has been useful to you. If you’d like to talk to us about creating effective Content Marketing for your business give us a call on +448452264247 or email us at mail@marketingfundamentals.com
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Marketing Fundamentals Team
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