Have you noticed how everyone is an entrepreneur nowadays? Being just a business owner is not as fashionable, is it? Whether you call yourself an entrepreneur, serial entrepreneur, SME business owner, Director or Founder and the intellectual debate that surrounds the various definitions is not our principal concern – helping you grow your business through disruptive marketing is. So with your permission we’d like to get back to business basics and focus on the fundamentals that will put you ahead of your competitors. Below we have listed five activities for marketing your business that you can implement during April and May that your competitors are probably not doing.
Marketing your Business – 5 Activities to Implement
1. Google +
We know that it got off to a slow start but Google + is warming up nicely and is a key variable in determining search results for Google so create a presence including a company page and decide on how regularly you will post updates. To know more check out our latest blog how content can help to grow your business?
2. Olympics
Plan and implement an event to leverage the Olympics for your customers and staff – be innovative. If a particular event or day has more relevance for your company, products or services even better. Well organised events do not have to be very expensive and provide an opportunity for you to maximise business opportunities at a time when most people’s attention will be on the Olympics anyway whether you host your event or not.
3. Brainstorm – New Ideas
Take some time away from the daily routine and hold a new ideas brainstorm with your staff. There should be no hierarchy in this meeting so encourage everyone to contribute. Your meeting could be structured around what you should stop doing, what should you start doing and what should you improve? (SSI).
4. Create a new promotional offer to upsell your customers
Create a new promotional offer that is targeted at customers who have just made a purchase e.g. – ‘Now that you have bought x you can buy for Y for 20% less than normal price.’ Important make sure the mathematics adds up and you are increasing revenue and not giving away margin.
5. Create a short YouTube video introducing your company
Videos can be produced very cost effectively – editing is perhaps the most important part (along with content, of course) and they are an excellent way to communicate your company’s brand personality. Upload your video to YouTube and embedd on your website. Everyone knows this and yet they still do not do it – I guess Bobby Byrd was right when he sang, ‘Sayin’ it and doin’ it are two different things.’ Read our latest blog about Online Video Marketing to know more.
We would be happy to help you make the late Bobby Byrd happy by implementing any of the activities for you. Give us a call on 0845 2264 247 or email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com and we will respond quickly.
We hope your have found this information useful.We are a leading Content Marketing Agency in London .
Best regards, .
Marketing Fundamentals Team
Who is Bobby Byrd? – Click here
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