This week we have reviewed our web statistics to compile a Marketing Fundamentals Ltd’s 10 most popular posts of 2012. If you are fairly new to our blog this would be a good place to start. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading and giving us so much positive feedback, all those retweets/favouriting on Twitter and sharing on other social media – we really appreciate it.
More importantly we hope that our practical tips have enabled you to build your businesses and have provided both inspiration and an action plan.
Here’s the list with the most popular post at number one. Click on the links to read the original post.
1. Entrepreneurs – How do you become a leader in your niche? 6 tips for niche leadership
2. Entrepreneurs – Networking for business – Which events do you attend?
3. Entrepreneurs – Inspiration from a new postcode – E20
4. Entrepreneurs – How well branded are you? 5 ways to improve
5. Entrepreneurs – How is 2013 looking for you? 5 suggestions for your 2013 marketing plan
6. Entrepreneurs – Why it’s important to ‘stay in your lane’ – 5 reasons …(opinion)
7. Entrepreneurs – Do you know the five biggest distractions for start-ups?
8. Entrepreneurs – Do you know the ten commandments of marketing your start up?
9. Entrepreneurs – Is it time to get off the entrepreneur bandwagon and get back to basics?
10. Entrepreneurs – Is it time to stop being CEO of yourself? 5 reasons why you should be hiring now
Bonus – Hot Posts from 2011 still being read a lot
11. Do you think that you’re an entrepreneur? 17 Signs you might be…
12. SME Owners – 10 smart ways to re-invest in your business
13. Entrepreneurs – Top 10 marketing apps for entrepreneurs
14. SME Owners – 10 reasons why partnering with a complementary business is right for you
15. SME Owners – Motivation – 15 Business quotes to inspire you
If you would like to discuss your company’s marketing requirements, or hear about new TURBO Toolkit give us a call on +44 845 2264247 or drop me an email via mike@marketingfundamentals.com
We wish you a wonderful festive season and hope to see you again here very soon.
Kind regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder & CEO of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
Author of ‘How to TurboCharge Your Business with a Blog’