Marketing and HR together – It’s a Brave New World

Marketing and HR together – It’s a Brave New World

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Companies around the world are now dealing with the fallout of the recession: smaller workforces, more complex technology, shorter deadlines and bigger expectations. The business world is in the process of being reimagined, away from the traditional processes of the late 20th century, and toward embracing the future as it constantly evolves. Where company ‘silos’ used to house individual departments and sectors, new ‘open plan’ strategies are encouraging – even requiring – multi-level communications across in-house systems. The result should be a smarter, more productive, more efficient business entity.

A strong connection between the marketing of a product and the actual sale of that product

The HR office is no longer only focused on tracking holiday pay and sick leave, and marketing isn’t left only to the marketing department. Most often, front line employees are the first contact between the product/service and its potential purchaser. This ‘front line’ population includes employees at call centres, store fronts, email responders and others. If they don’t understand both the product and its marketing strategy that transaction might never happen. Simple sales numbers demonstrate the need for front line employees to be up-to-speed on product pitches. At the same time, marketing departments may be devising excellent materials about new aspects of products and services, but if that information doesn’t get to the front line, the face-to-face consumer may opt for a competitor who explains their product better.

Somewhere in there is the nexus between who creates the potential for sales (marketing), and who actually achieves the sales (sales staff). Technology today has the capacity to quickly disseminate vast amounts of information; that information can be used to structure how products are marketed to train the employees responsible for those sales. Finding and using reliable HR software can ensure that everyone in the company who needs information on any aspect of products or services has it available and knows how to use it.

Improved collaboration improves both marketing and HR departments

Companies are seeing the potential in combining aspects of the two divisions together to improve both separately. For example, these days Marketing almost always includes using social media to pass information about new products, which has the potential to inform thousands of people through the transmission of only a few electronic clicks. HR can use that, and related, information to better advertise for the workforce needed to accommodate the planned increase in sales. Marketing and HR working together would have the capacity to develop together both the new marketing materials, and the expectations/training of the supporting staff to implement the resulting activities.

At the same time, HR can assist Marketing to develop strategies that are in line with the company’s’ branding and mission. It’s easier for sales staff to share with potential customers company philosophies that they already believe in. This way, the real ‘value’ of the company is enhanced, not just by excellent products and services, but also by the obvious (to the consumer) commitment and investment to it by the staff and employees.

And, back in the HR department, employees can track their own data regarding their interactions between products and customers, to give the marketing department ‘real world’ information about the success of their marketing strategies. Marketing can then make revisions based on feedback from sales staff. Considering the huge demand for industry-centric data, mining that information in-house is both economical and practical.

The new economy is still a puzzle, but for companies willing to leap into future strategies and thought processes, increasing collaborations between Marketing and HR appear to open up brand new horizons.

Want to discuss How Marketing and HR can collaborate more effectively? Or would you would like us to create a successful Content Marketing Plan for you ? Give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247 or email us via Marketing Fundamentals Ltd are a leading Content Marketing Agency in London. We create Content that builds relationships with your potential customers and generates leads and sales.

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