As an entrepreneur or business owner you may be working hard, delivering beyond expectations for your customers and appreciated by them but that does not mean that you are necessarily well branded. This is a challenge that all businesses face, irrespective of their size or market sector. The reality is that you are probably not that well known or branded beyond your immediate network. It is branding that will prompt customers to come to you and propel your business forward. So how do you improve your branding? We have highlighted five methods below. None of these are easy to do but the degree of difficulty should not put you off as they are very effective.
How to brand your business? 5 Effective ways
1. Appear on a Relevant TV show
In the UK, a new series of ‘Dragon’s Den’ started on the 9th September on BBC 2 and ‘Be Your Own Boss’ on BBC3 started on the 12th September. Both shows are excellent opportunities to brand your business and become known beyond your current circle of contacts.
2. Create a Truly Innovative Product
There is a company in the UK that created a new material for cycle shorts/ hot pants – this material actually aids weight loss and they have thousands of customer testimonials. The company is called the company is called Zaggora and their success and level of branding is due to their product.
3. Write a Book
Are you a coach, mentor, property developer or even a marketing consultant? Well, I have news for you – there are thousands upon thousands of you out there so your work alone will not brand you. However, if you write an authoritative book on an aspect of your work you will become known for the topic of your book. Check out our blog how to make your business stand out for more details.
4. PR Coverage
Most business owners and entrepreneurs want more positive PR for their businesses and it is not an easy task to achieve given the level of competition and often lack of interest from journalists. Your objective should be to establish relationships with press contacts over time which will in turn yield opportunities. If you have already completed one of the first three steps on this list it will really help!
5. Product or Services Ritual
You could be become well branded by creating a particular product or service ritual attached to your business. In the UK, if I mention a national chain of supermarkets called Asda most consumers above a certain age will now be thinking of an action that accompanies that brand. Mo Farah with help from Clare Balding has recently created another known as the Mobot. It is possible for you to do the same for your business.
While building your brand you must monitor your online reputation. If your reputation has been damaged, the services offered here will help you recover.
B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We hope you find this information useful.
If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247. You can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
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