Hello everyone. If you have been using Social Media Marketing to promote your business, organisation or individual profile over the last few years you are likely to have heard of Tweet Adder. Tweet Adder is a Social Media Management Software specifically designed for use on Twitter (as the same suggests). It is important to stress that up until a week ago (Friday May 15th 2015) Tweet Adder was officially approved by Twitter. At this point Tweet Adder has amassed over 330,000 customers. It is not a backstreet hack created by rogue developers. Tweet Adder has been professional and officially endorsed. At Marketing Fundamentals Ltd we have been using Tweet Adder since 2011. Why have we used it? Unlike most Social Media Management tools Tweet Adder enables you to build up a bank of evergreen tweets that can be repeated randomly and on a recurring basis. You don’t have to spend time scheduling tweets for the next day and the next day etc – you can just set the tweet parameters and let the software tweet for you. This is a massive time saver and when you have many retained clients and Twitter accounts to manage this time saving is huge.
So what has changed?
Last Friday Twitter blocked the Twitter API access for Tweet Adder V4.1 meaning that Tweet Adder did not work. This is not the first time and as before the development team at Tweet Adder have been communicating with Twitter but at the time of writing Tweet Adder does not have full functionality and has been shut down or banned.
Why would Twitter block software that it has officially approved?
There is some speculation that some Tweet Adder users have been abusing the auto follow and auto DM functions but that is unconfirmed and that some a small percentage of users are continually non-compliant with Twitter’s Terms of Use.
What will happen next?
This scenario could play out one of two ways:
1. Tweet Adder is able to work with Twitter to resolve any concerns that Twitter have and make the necessary amendments to their software so that normal service can be resumed.
2. Tweet Adder remains blocked or banned leaving over 330, 000 customers including some very high profile individuals and businesses scrambling for a realistic alternative.
At Marketing Fundamentals Ltd we take contingency planning seriously and I am happy to report that none of our clients have experienced a dip in service levels or performance because of Tweet Adder being blocked by Twitter. We have been able to replicate the functionality provided by Tweet Adder with an alternative workflow designed for this eventuality. If you would like to know what we have been doing to maintain service levels give us a call on 0044 (0) 845 2264 247 or send me an email here to start the discussion.
We hope you have found this ‘looking behind the scenes’ post interesting and look forward to receiving your comments below or via Twitter.
Thanks for reading.
Best wishes.
Mike Pitt
Founder of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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