Image Credit: Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
Is it too late to start a business blog? This is a question I get asked quite a lot and the good news is that no, it is not too late. If you are going to write in a very competitive niche it may take you some time to build an audience or any traction but for the majority of B2B businesses there are still many benefits to starting a blog and now is a really good time to start. If one of your competitors has started blogging that does not mean that you should not. Your blog will give you the opportunity to differentiate yourself from them. In many ways blogging is similar to regular exercise or a healthy approach to nutrition. Many are aware of the benefits but often do not follow up and actually take action. To read more about the similarities between blogging and regular exercise click here. Why is blogging for your business like exercise ? 5 reasons.
If you are working for a B2B business and you are considering starting a blog in 2016 these are the business benefits that you are likely to see:
1. Better Search Engine Results:
- You want your customers, prospects, supporters, investors and any other stakeholders to be able to find you, right?
- Regular blogging will do this for you.
2. More Leads and Customers
- Do you want to generate more leads / customers / donors?
- Regular blogging will do this for you.
3. Niche Leadership
- Do you want to position yourself as an authority in your niche or sector?
- Regular blogging will do this for you.
4. New Opportunities
- Do you want new opportunities to come to you rather than having to search for them?
- Regular blogging will do this for you.
5. Build a Community
- Do you want to build a community around your organisation /cause?
- Regular blogging will do this for you.
For a step by step guide to how to blog for your business you can either register for this course, How to TurboCharge Your Business with a Blog or give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247 if you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business. *
B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms.
Thanks for reading!
Best regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder & CEO
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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* You can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
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