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I can remember a time when being invited to join an exclusive Facebook Group was clearly a benefit for you and your business. Within the group you would have access to your peers and possibly the groups founders. So far so good.
Before I go any further in this discussion, allow me to clarify that I am not stating that ALL Facebook Groups are worthless. If you are still getting tremendous value out of your membership of any particular group, please continue to do so.
Business Facebook Groups
Group Member
My personal experience is that I have joined most of the business Facebook Groups that I am currently a member of for specific reasons. Maybe it was to increase my reach on YouTube or to join with other individuals focused on increasing their passive income.
In most cases, after the initial phase when I may review each post published, the groups follow a familiar pattern. The pattern is as follows, group members post lots of their content in the group and the levels of engagement per post varies. If the business owner or entrepreneur who created the group remains active, that greatly improves the group.
Usually there is too much content posted to absorb. I am currently a member of nineteen Groups on Facebook. Eight of the nineteen are school and friend related and the remainder are business related Groups. It’s not easy to filter useful content from the rest so I tend not spend time looking for it. Similar to most of my business peers, I prefer to be on LinkedIn.
Group Owner
Of course, if you are the Business Facebook Group founder / owner your perspective will be different. Your group will allow you to address customer service issues and sell your courses and products to members of the group. For you, the Group could have tremendous financial value.
2020 and Beyond
In my opinion, very few Facebook Groups offer real value to their members; often content that is available elsewhere is posted in groups. My recommendation for B2B businesses in 2020 and beyond, is to focus on platforms where there is a better return on their time invested. I am referring to LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter, to name but three.
How active are you with Business Facebook Groups? Let me know in the comments section below.
If you need any help from a Content Marketing and Social Media perspective, please email me via mike@marketingfundamentals.com to start the conversation.
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B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We hope you find this information useful.
If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247. You can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
On our YouTube channel you will find marketing advice, business advice & inspiration. Subscribe if you work in Marketing for Professional Services or are a business owner or solo-preneur trying to grow your business. New uploads on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Best regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder, Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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