Hello everyone. Successful business owners and entrepreneurs plan for the future. Typically the large multi-national companies will start planning for the following year in Quarter 3 or Quarter 4. I know, you are not a large multi-national company but planning is still vitally important for you too. Your marketing plan for next year will not need to go through the same number of iterations or same type of approval process as a senior brand manager at a large company but your future success will depend on your plan, your ability to execute it well and also make relevant adaptations to it as and when appropriate. So, are you and your company ready to make a name for yourself like Andros Townsend or are you hoping to muddle through and do more of the same? I know which sounds better to me. Here are 12 key considerations to help you with your plan and to help you formulate a robust strategy for 2014.
1. What has worked well this year?
2. What did not work well this year?
3. What new challenges do you expect next year?
4. What trends have you identified in sales of your products and services?
5. What are the trends in your sector or niche?
6. What would represent a massive achievement were you to achieve it next year?
7. Are you using the much vaunted Social Media platforms effectively?
8. Do you have a Content Strategy?
9. How successful do you feel your email activity has been?
10. Is it easy for you to identify the ‘raving fans’ of your business? Do you have a specific strategy for them?
11. What is your growth or scaling strategy?
12. Are you to busy to think about this because you are working in the business?
These are just a few of the many considerations for next year – we would be happy to help you create a plan for next year and introduced our Strategy Days for this specific purpose. We work with you to construct a plan for your business. Give us a call on +44 845 2264 247 or email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com to set up your strategy day or you could just fill out this form
We hope you have found this information useful.
Best regards,
Marketing Fundamentals Team
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