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It will not have escaped your attention that the focus always seems to be on using social media to market your business. This focus, some would say obsession, means that some ‘old school’ marketing techniques that are still effective are being overlooked. I think it is time that business owners and entrepreneurs, particularly those that have locality based marketing strategies reconsider the use of vehicle graphics.
Vehicle Graphics
Here are 5 reasons why I think vehicle graphics should be an essential part of your marketing mix:
1. Reach
According to a recent 3M study, there is an audience reach of up to 3,000 people every hour if your vehicle is out and about on busy roads. With a reach that great, can you risk not having your vehicle branded to communicate who you are and what you do?
2. Non Stop Marketing
Even when your car or van is parked on the street, and you’re tucked up in bed after a busy day, it’s still out there, getting noticed. It’s a 24/7 marketing tool that quite literally can help drive your business forward.
3. Variety is the Spice of Life
The product range for vehicle graphics is vast. From just a simple branding operation through to full vehicle wraps, which means there’s a solution for every type of business –whether you’re a one-man-band or have a whole fleet of haulage lorries.
4. Look at the Bigger Picture
Applying graphics to your company vehicle should be seen as a long-term investment and not a quick fix. If you compare the price of vehicle wrapping to billboard advertising you’ll soon see it won’t take you long to get better value for your money.
5. Imagination has no Limits
Once you have defined your budget, the only limitation to your options when considering a vehicle wrap is your imagination. There’s no doubt about it that striking graphics attract attention and generate discussions. Make people stop and stare at your company details rather than those of your competitors.
We all know you have to spend money to make money, (it’s a sad but true fact of life) but I think it’s about time people wised up and started investing in marketing campaigns that actually make a difference to your brand awareness as well as generating leads and I am confident that vehicle graphics are up there with the best of them.
Would you like to consider vehicle graphics for your business? Please contact us here.
B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We hope you find this information useful.
If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247. You can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
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This guest post for the Marketing Fundamentals Team was written by Sally Hubble-Button
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