This video is entitled, Do I Still Use Google+ by Mike Pitt. This is video number 185 and blog post number 404. You can subscribe to our channel . Mike Pitt is the Founder of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd, which is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London. In this video Mike Pitt gives his answer to the question, Do I Still use Google+? He also explains the reasons for his answer. It might not be the answer that you were expecting.
Do I Still Use Google+ ?
The common consensus among marketing professionals and the public at large is that Google+ was and remains a complete failure. It was an attempt by Google to replicate the success that Facebook and Twitter had. Other than having a Google My Business page most B2B businesses are no longer active on the platform and new businesses do not make it a priority. While it is clear that Google+ did not succeed in growing a similar user base to Facebook that has 1.86 billion monthly active users* or Twitter with 319 monthly active users it does still have 300 million monthly active users which would be regarded as a considerable audience for most platforms. To give this further context, Pinterest only has around 150 million monthly active users. There are still benefits to using Google + and I discuss these in the video here .Let me know what you think in the blog comments section below or in the YouTube comments section.
B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We hope you find this information useful. If you have enjoyed this post you will appreciate, Which Channels Should a B2B Company Use to Reach Potential Customers?
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Best regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder, Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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This is blog post post number 404.
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