Hello everyone. Content Marketing for professional services should be multi-faceted. Quora is a a free to join question and answer based website. Questions are created, answered and edited by a community of users. Answers can then be ‘upvoted’ to reflect their popularity. If you have never visited the Quora site you can do so here. Quora.com Quora was founded in 2009 by two ex Facebook employees, Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever. Although not on the scale of Facebook, Twitter or linkedIn, Quora which has approximately 10- 15 million monthly active users has achieved a level of fame because of the high profile nature of some of its users particularly in the technology sector and because of the detail that is often provided in the answers.
1. Who uses Quora?
High profile users include: Michael Bublé , Stephen Fry and Ashton Kutcher who is an angel investor for many technology companies as well as a successful Hollywood actor.
2. What sort of questions are asked?
Here’s a fairly typical question on Quora:
Startup Advice and Strategy: What is the best advice for a young, first-time startup CEO?
When you click on the link above you’ll see the detailed answers I referred to.
3. What is the opportunity for professional services firms?
To use the words of Mark Twain, “People do business with those they know, like and trust. ” Quora is a great opportunity for you to demonstrate your company’s expertise and integrity by answering questions relevant to your business or enterprise. In doing so you will build your profile and a level of trust in the minds of your target audience. There is also probably less activity from your competitors on Quora than there will be on Twitter and LinkedIn, for example.
4. What should you do on Quora?
Create a profile with links to your business site and Social Media profiles and begin answering questions. You’ll find that the more you answer the more you’ll be asked to answer directly . When relevant it is acceptable to mention a resource (book, course or workshop) that you have created providing it answers the question being asked. Best practice in that case would be to give an answer to the question and then refer to your available resources. It’s important that you remember that you are on Quora to create relationships and build trust so steer clear of overt sales messages.
We hope this information has been useful to you. Do you need help creating an effective strategy for your business or organisation on Quora? If you’d like to talk to us about using Quora to connect with your target audience give us a call on +44 845 2264 247 or email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
Best regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder & CEO
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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