We hope you’ve all had a good summer. Can you believe it? We have reached Q4 already and hopefully it has been a successful year for your company. I can still distinctly remember writing a post entitled SME owners – 8 things you should do to start the New Year off with a bang and here we are in Q4. It’s time to get back to business. If you haven’t hit all your objectives for this year do not lose heart because there is still time and there are activities that you can implement now that will drive your business forward. Below I have listed six.
Back to Business
1. Use Pinterest
It’s not the right network for every business but if there is a visual nature to your products and services good examples being interior designers, wedding planners, photographers and fashion designers then there will be opportunities for your business to make an impact and generate prospects. Don’t just pin all your products on boards, though. More subtlety than that is required.
2. Go to brand new networking groups
It’s easy to fall into the routine of attending the same networking groups each month. Throw yourself out of your comfort zone and add in to your schedule brand new groups where on your first visit you know no-one.
3. Use customer testimonials more effectively
Few businesses are using their testimonials enough in their marketing. Testimonials are so powerful and can influence the future success of your business. Make sure you are collecting and using yours well.
4. Add a new team member
One proven method to establish business growth is to increase the size of your team. There are a number of ways of doing this as was discussed in our post entitled Entrepreneurs – Is it time to stop being CEO of yourself? 5 reasons why you should be hiring now . This will enable you to increase your productive capacity.
5. Blog, blog and blog again
If you have unchanging content on your website what reason is there for prospects to return to your site after the first visit? Marketing your business through the provision of fresh unique content is at the core of how Marketing Fundamentals Ltd works with our clients.
6. PR
When you are happy that your range of products and services are suited to your sector and you have good systems in place you must plan to get some PR for your business. Many companies have experienced explosive growth after receiving good PR coverage.
B2B Content Marketing Agency London
We would be delighted to help you crush it in Q4 and implement any of the 6 ways listed above. Please feel free to give us a call on +44 845 2264 247 or drop us an email via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
We hope you find this information useful.
Kind regards,
Mike Pitt
Founder & CEO
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd