Image Credit: lonetreedentistblog.com
When was the last time you delighted one of your clients or customers? Yes, I know that your teams are working hard to exceed customer expectations and deliver more than what is expected on a daily basis but this is now the norm in many B2B sectors. Delighting your clients is a level above that. You can tell when you have truly delighted one of your clients or customers because it is memorable to them and to you. The impact of delighting your client cannot be overestimated. You are in the business of creating long lasting relationships and delighting clients is an excellent way to strengthen these relationships.
Delighting Your Clients
For a great example of delighting customers, lets step away from the B2B sector for a moment. Last year Swatch, the Swiss watch manufacturer introduced a free battery service. Owners of Swatches that needed a new battery simply had to take their watch into a store and then one of the staff would give them a replacement battery and fit it for free. This offer is still running and must be costing Swatch quite a lot given there is the both the cost of the battery and then the time the staff member spends fitting the watch. Time is money especially in a high footfall retail establishment.
Why Did Swatch Make This Offer?
I can can only speculate as I don’t have any insider knowledge but I believe that Swatch wanted to achieve the following:
- Surprise and delight their customers
- Position their brand as one that cares about their customers enough to make them such an offer. Prior to the promotion the same service cost £5 per replacement battery.
- Attract footfall back into the stores.
- Re-engage with lapsed customers remembering that lapsed customers are easier to convert than new customers.
There is also an opportunity for you to create a lasting impression with your customers by delighting them, just as Swatch did. Is it an opportunity you are taking?
B2B Content Marketing Agency London
Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We can help you delight your customers.
If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247. You can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com
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We hope you find this information useful.
Best wishes,
Mike Pitt
Founder & CEO Marketing Fundamentals Ltd
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