We have reached that time of the year when there is a lot of entrepreneur coverage in the media.
A new series of The Apprentice starts this Tuesday 10th May at 9pm on BBC One (UK broadcast times) and then perhaps more significantly if you are an aspiring entrepreneur in the UK The Business Start Up Show is at ExCel London on the 19th and 20th May – please note tickets are free and still available at the time of writing.
With these events in mind, we thought it would be helpful to list our top 17 signs that you might be an entrepreneur.
17 Entrepreneur Signs
1. You can handle pressure and evaluate risk without being blindly optimistic.
2. You’ve done the market research already – idle boasts are not your style.
3. You’ve got the support of your family and friends.
4. You know you cannot do it alone.
5. You are not comfortable in regular employment – you become restless. You don’t want to hold a job.
6. You spend time talking to/meeting with people about your new business or idea while you’re working for someone else.
7. You are extremely passionate about your idea or your business.
8. You see more than one definition of “job security”.
9. Opportunity is everywhere around you –you see opportunities in everyday life.
10. You would happily launch a business that has no connection to your career to date.
11. You would happily invest your home’s equity, your life savings and borrow on a credit card for your start-up.
12. You don’t see lack of money, lack of knowledge and lack of experience as barriers to entry.
13. Your nights, weekends and free time are consumed with your business or business idea.
14. You love to create new things and enjoy the new product development process and business strategy equally.
15. You are confident and have a healthy ego – You know that you could do better than your boss.
16. You are a control freak and love running the show.
17. You just got made redundant or fired.
How many of these applied to you? You might just be ready and of course, we will be happy to help you. Do you need help turning your entrepreneurial dreams into reality?
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